Afghan Women Center’s (AWC) mission is to empower socially isolated immigrant women within Montreal through creating programs according to their needs, facilitating self-development workshops and promoting team-based projects. Their goal is to provide opportunities for women falling into the minority group, and to improve their quality of life through community engagement.
Afghan Women Center wishes to give women a sense of belonging, a safe space for them to express themselves, and give them hope for a better future in Quebec society.
The Afghan Women’s Centre’s purposes are:
- To provide information sessions to members & connect them to useful resources to build a strong community of trust & support;
- Put in place activities that will foster their member’s social skills and break their social isolation.
- To provide immigrant and refugee women with opportunities that will allow them to find employment.
Understanding and responding to the vulnerabilities of seniors, they offer inter-generational activities such as: social exchange, transference of skills, and creating opportunities to develop leadership roles. AWC offers activities for seniors to promote a healthier lifestyle and mental well-being such as: walking group, Yoga classes, and reading lunch on health topics.
The Centre offers courses and workshops, as described on the services page of their site. All courses and workshops are offered free of charge and, in addition, transportation costs are generally covered by the Centre. There are an average of fifteen to twenty women per class and they come from various communities (e.g. Iranian, Moroccan, and Pakistani)
ERA is delighted to donate 1 computer, 1 projector and a printer to this organization. These devices will be placed in their office so that they can use them for daily tasks. It will be a tool to promote their mission online, store documents and complete projects on time.
If you would like to learn more about the Afghan Women’s Centre, please click on their website here.