The ERA is proud to announce their Photo Contest that will launch this May. We are asking members of the community across Canada to use their photography skills for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. We want to see how creative you can get, make it fun!
How does it work?
To enter the contest, attend one of ERA’s electronic collection events and follow these steps
Step 1: Follow any of our social media
Step 2: Like our post about the Photo Contest
Step 3: Post a photo of you donating your unwanted electronics at one of ERA’s Collection Events with one of our ERA team members. Tag us and mention your 3 friends.
Mention ERA by tagging us in your post
- Instagram: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
- Facebook: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
- Twitter: @DonateRecycleIT
- LinkedIn: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
Who is eligible to participate?
To be eligible to enter the Contest or win a prize, you must be a permanent resident of Canada
What will I win?
There will be one winner of a $100 Amazon Gift Card. No purchase is necessary to enter the Contest or to win a prize. All photographs entered in the Contest must be of ERA content (i.e. taken at an ERA Event).
When does it take place?
This contest is running from May 1st, 2022 to December 1st, 2022.
What format should the photo be?
- Photo needs to be in Jpeg form
Share your photo on social media through your social media accounts using #ERA, #DonateIT 3Reuse and #ERAPhotoContest on your posts.
Rules and Guidelines
- The competition is open to any one that resides within Canada.
- You may start the contest 8:00 (MST) on May 1st, 2022 and 16:00 (MST) on December 1st, 2022.
- No purchase is necessary to enter the competition
- ERA will announce the winner of this Contest on December 8th, 2022 on our social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- One winner will receive $100 Amazon Gift Card. *no cash value
- ERA will contact the winner of this competition. If the winner does not answer within a week they will be disqualified.
- If you win the competition, you will be tagged in all communication related to the ERA Photo Contest.
- If you enter, ERA will own the rights to all images submitted and can use these images as they wish.