Bon Accord Community School serves students from head start through Grade 4 under the philosophy of “Everyone a Teacher, Everyone a Learner.” Staff work together to create an ideal learning environment that promotes positivity, collaboration and leadership.
They bolster a well-rounded academic program with extracurricular options like a strong music program, coding club and a variety of athletic opportunities. Their teachers engage students in their early childhood programs with the innovative Reggio-Emilia inspired approach to learning.
They have a strong connection to our community and outdoor spaces and appreciate the large role both play in their school. Their town is a place to extend the curriculum, with kindergarten students visiting the fire department and post office, and Grade 1 classes learning community studies. Many parents volunteer with hot lunch programs, the library and classrooms.
The community also supports the school. Parents volunteer to run hot lunch programs and work in the library and classrooms. Likewise, the school is a hub of activity for the community and hosts many evening programs like 4H and information nights.
Bon Accord Community School works closely with Lilian Schick School to ensure its students have a smooth transition to Grade 5. ERA was thrilled to donate 60 mice to this school. They will be used on their laptops and chrome books that are in two of their classrooms. The students use these devices to get school work done and learn computer skills for their future careers.
If you would like to learn more about this school, visit their website here.
ERA is taking the initiative and offering free pickups in local areas for companies and individuals with unwanted laptops and computers. This will give organizations the option to work remotely which will ease their potential anxiety from working at their offices. It will also ensure that children are able to keep on top of their homework.
If you are wanting to help organizations and families receive the gift of technology and give them an option, please contact our toll number 1.877.9EWASTE or go to our website and fill out our form here.