CAYA Youth Retreat is an outreach initiative that occurs every summer in Ontario, Canada for Christian youth and young adults. CAYA Youth Retreat received a donation of four laptops, four monitors and one printer. This donation will mainly be used by their staff during the year. They will use the devices for their operations and day to day tasks in their office. It will be a massive help for the organization when they need to get everything prepared for their summer events.
Many organizations like CAYA Youth Retreat find it extremely hard to obtain technology due to the small budgets they are given by the government. The Electronic Recycling Associations’ mission is to not only reduce the negative impact e-waste has on the environment but to also donate devices to organizations in need so that the daily operations can flow a little more easily and stress-free.
We wish CAYA Youth Retreat all the best for 2020. Interested to learn more? You can find out more information about this amazing organization by clicking here.