CDI College Student in Calgary Receives Donated Laptop

By electronic recycling association June 1, 2021

In the past, parents and students may have had to foot the bill for textbooks, pencils, paper, and the like. But now, with the rise of technology inside (and outside) of the classroom, students are often expected to have their own laptops, too.  ERA recently donated a laptop to the CDI College in Calgary so that a student who is unable to afford a computer can enroll in school.

“We are working with thousands of students every day to get them into the best programs that meets their needs, values and goals.  It all starts with a laptop.  We are changing lives through education and this is the first step working with the ERA.” Keith Winters, National Trainer-Online Admission Department, CDI College 

Over the last 50 years, CDI College has been transforming lives through education and driven students to building their careers. As one of Canada’s premier career-training providers, they offer robust, market-driven programs that focus on helping their students develop the skills that leading employers demand in the business, technology, and health care industries.

For the convenience of those with busy schedules, you can choose both daytime or evening classes to fit your availability.  For more information about CDI College please visit their website here.

The ERA is a non-profit organization committed to reducing unnecessary electronic waste by recycling and repurposing used electronics. We work with local companies to repurpose used electronics and IT equipment in a safe and secure manner. Our team works with community charities to provide repurpose computers and electronics to those in need. Contribute to our mission of reducing e-waste by recycling your unwanted electronic devices with the ERA.

We work with charities across the country to provide refurbished electronics for their programs. This gives them access to reliable technology while allowing them to apply their resources to what they’re good at: developing programs to help Canadians struggling with poverty, health concerns or are otherwise experiencing misfortune. Because the Electronic Recycling Association is an advocate of equality, we are not specifically affiliated with a given charity. The ERA helps hundreds of charitable organizations each year through the donation of necessary computer equipment. Organizations qualified for donations through ERA’s donation program include: registered charities, non-profit organizations, care facilities (seniors’ homes, hospitals, daycares, etc.) and educational institutions.

Call us at 1877-9EWASTE to see if you are eligible for a free pickup. Your contribution can make a difference to someone in need while also helping to keep e-waste out of the landfill!