CHNE-TV is a community channel in the community of Chéticamp, Nova Scotia. It is TV made for the community, by the community, and a training platform for those who want to develop their media skills. They are always looking for volunteers who want to participate in the making of their content. Their journalism program is administered by CACTUS and funded by the Canadian government’s Local Journalism Initiative. CACTUS stands for the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations. CACTUS was created to educate consumers and to improve access by Canadians to two specific media services:
- Local media, especially video and television programming
- Media production training and equipment at the local level, especially video and television.
What is community television?
Community television is made by and for members of a community, and is therefore an open-access democratic platform as well as a training platform for Canadians to gain the digital and media literacy skills they need to participate fully in the political, cultural, social and economic life of their communities. Because of the voluntary participation of community members, community television is a low-cost way to generate relevant local TV content even in relatively small communities. It is also often more innovative, investigative, diverse and engaged than mainstream media because of this direct participation by viewers. Community media is formally recognized in the Canadian Broadcasting System as one of three pillars in the broadcasting system.
CHNE-TV received two computers for their office space. These devices will be used by their volunteers to improve the TV stations online presence and for their normal day to day office administration. Speaking with Andrew LeBlanc, an employee at CHNE TV he said, “From our TV station CHNE-TV, we would like to thank you for the computers you donated. They are being put to great use. Thank you again.” If you would like to learn more about this organization, please click on their Facebook page here.