The Town of Asquith has partnered with ERA for their Fall Cleanup this weekend! This collection event is only open to residents of the town. Join us this Saturday and Sunday to drop off your unwanted electronics. The ERA will work to refurbish collected items and donate them to organizations and individuals in need!
- Location: 125 Main Street, Asquith
- Date: Sept 12th-13th, 2020
- Time: 9a – 3p
Accepted items include:
- Desktop & laptop computers
- Tablets
- Cell Phones/ Smart Phones/ Home Phones
- Printers
- Servers
- Handheld Electronics (Mp3 Players, Gaming Consoles etc)
- Gaming consoles
- Stereo Equipment
- Cameras
- USB Keys & Other Storage Devices
- External Hard Drives
- Cords, cables
- Peripherals (mice, keyboards, CDs, DVDs, etc)
**NO microwaves or old tube TVs – NO home or personal appliances**
If you need help organizing a collection event contact the ERA. We will provide necessary resources (staff to assist with collection if necessary and confirmed in advance, collection bins, removal of equipment) as well as assist in handling the creation of marketing materials for your event (posters/flyers for you to distribute). All you’ll need to do is share event details with all of your contacts to ensure your collection is well attended.