Electronics Donated To The South Edmonton Fellowship Centre

By electronic recycling association December 16, 2022

The South Edmonton Fellowship Centre is a registered non-profit society that provides a safe, welcoming, and affordable space in South Edmonton for mutual support addiction recovery meetings and activities.  The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) was happy to donate a desktop computer and 2 laptops to assist them with the necessary equipment to conduct their online mutual support recovery program. 

The objectives and purpose of the South Edmonton Fellowship Centre are to:

  • Provide a meeting place in South Edmonton where recovering alcoholics and recovering addicts may gather to exchange ideas and enjoy the fellowship
  • Provide a site for peer-to-peer recovery meetings, workshops, seminars, and conferences
  • Provide opportunities for public and family involvement in the processes of recovery from alcoholism and addiction
  • Provide information on alcoholism and addiction and on methods of recovery
  • Provide recovery-oriented social activities in a non-drinking, non-drugging environment
  • Affect its purpose without discriminating as to race, colour, national origin, creed, gender, or sexual orientation

If you would like to learn more about the South Edmonton Fellowship Centre click here to visit their website.

The Electronic Recycling Association is committed to making electronic recycling beneficial for everyone including the environment! If you have any leftover electronic devices that you no longer need, or are not working as it should be, then we will take them off your hands, refurbish them, before giving them to charity across Canada. 

We strive to meet reasonable requests for IT and related equipment, such as computers, laptops, projection equipment, printers, phones and related peripherals. Our goal is to fulfill every single reasonable request for a computer donation that we receive, and we are thrilled to announce that we are getting close to achieving this goal. Since 2004, we have donated thousands of computers to Canadians in need and this number grows daily.

Your donation can make all the difference to someone, as well as helping to reduce the impact of e-waste. Be part of the solution by donating your devices today. Call us at 1877-9EWASTE to book a pickup.