On Friday, April 12th 2019 ERA and the External Relations team at Shell Canada donated 60 laptops and computers to organizations in need throughout Sarnia. This donation event took place at the YMCA Learning and Career Centre. We would like to thank the team at the YMCA for allowing ERA to hold this fantastic event at your location.
On the day, four organizations received the gift of technology. These organization consisted of the Big brothers and big sisters of Sarnia received 10 laptops, the YMCA received 30 laptops, the Huron House Boys Home received 10 desktop computers and lastly, the Inn of the Good Shepherd received a total of 10 laptops.
Organizations all over Canada and the US are in need of technology for everyday tasks and projects. Many of them do not have a designated budget to be able to afford laptops and computers and the organizations that do have a budget could always use that budget on other projects that will benefit them in the long term.
These four organizations will use them within their offices, assisting with day to day duties, helping with their digital marketing so that individuals can find them online and become aware of their mission. Some will provide them to their clients who may be jobless and in need of a computer to help create a resume and search for a job that best suits their skill set. Other clients may be children who need a laptop or computer for school or university to complete everyday tasks and projects given to them by the teacher.
“Because we are a non-profit organization, funding is scarce. Consequently these computers are a welcome upgrade for the ones our boys use for homework. Without this kind of support, servicing our boys is much harder,” Said Don Adam, Executive Director of Huron House Boys’ Home.
Nowadays, technology is a way of life and many of us take it for granted instead of remembering that others may find our unwanted electronics a valuable asset in succeeding within today’s world. If you have unwanted electronics that you are no longer using or need, please think reuse and donate to ERA today by clicking here.