The Calgary Security Professionals Information Exchange Society (SPIE) is a Calgary, Alberta based organization created to improve access to information for local security professionals. The purpose of this society is to promote and advance the information systems security profession by:
- Sharing their knowledge and experiences on information and systems security matters in order to help each of us improve security within our own organizations.
- Improving individual member’s knowledge about information systems security.
- Providing a peer networking opportunity for members.
- Providing a forum for Special Interest Groups to advance knowledge and experiences on specific information and systems security domains.
This donation will be used to host monthly meetings SPIE have at their office. They will use it for reporting and creating presentations to discuss with their team. We wish them the best of luck!
If you would like to learn more about this organization, please visit their website here. If you would like to donate your old devices to ERA and help more organizations like SPIE click here.