ERA Helps Change Education in Madagascar

By electronic recycling association November 21, 2022

The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) believes that every child, no matter what country they’re from or their social background, should have the chance to use and learn about technology. That is why the ERA was thrilled to donate 3 laptops to the Sister Disciple of Sacred Heart (Soeur disciple de sacre Coeur) in Madagascar.

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Soeur disciple de sacre Coeur) is a religious congregation located in Mandrosoa Ivato in the capital of Madagascar.  The sisters live among their people to carry out their mission to care for the sick, feed the hungry and educating children. With this donation ERA hope to bolster education and economic growth by making digital technologies available in the developing world.

Madagascar, an island nation off Africa’s southeast coast, is extremely poor: 75% of the population (25 million) live below the poverty line, and the country scores low on the human development index, performing poorly in areas like education and living standards.

The Sister Disciple of Sacred Heart are still in need of laptops to help the students who generally come from poor families to continue their education.  They don’t have enough equipment and the few they have are outdated or unusable. 

If you are wanting to help organizations and families receive the gift of technology and give them an option, please contact our toll number 1.877.9EWASTE or go to our website and fill out our form here.

Your Donation can lighten and bring a smile to someone’s face. Help us spread more smiles by donating today!

The Electronic Recycling Association(ERA), is focused on reducing unnecessary waste and/or environmental impact through effective management of retiring electronic and IT equipment.  As a non-profit organization with deep community roots, it is our “reuse” focus and donation activities that set us apart from others in this sector. We are an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 Certified Company that offers pickup services, comprehensive data security measures and subsequent reporting. Individuals and organizations alike move through technology hardware for a number of different reasons, and often there is ongoing productive use. 

The ERA believes that “reuse” where ever possible is the most ecological approach to this growing stream, and an excellent way to compel real community goodwill at the same time. The Electronic Recycling Association has a clear mission of reducing electronic waste through computer recycling, laptop recycling and computer donation services. With depots throughout Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and all of Canada. ERA provides a great way to recycle electronic equipment safely and securely.