Since B.C. declared a public health emergency because of drug-related deaths, the problem has only gotten worse. Places like Pacifica Treatment Centre help those with fewer financial options access quality care in Vancouver BC.
Pacifica works with individuals on their journey to recovery from addiction. Their treatment facilities offer publicly subsidized program for people seeking help since 1977. Their In-residence rehabilitation treatment is a significant recovery phase of their program with focus on healing and growth. For Pacifica staff, the priority is to ensure a safe environment for that, so use and application of technology requires careful consideration. The ERA donation program was able to help them tackle this challenge.
Use of personal electronics during treatment poses a risk. Aside from substance addiction, there are other examples of virtual activities that can set off addictive behavior. They span from social media and content consumption to online gambling. However, potential for positive practice that technology enables are hard to overlook. One could access helpful online resources, contact family, or connect with education or career opportunities.

To facilitate safe and responsible use, Pacifica turned to the ERA to supply 8 desktop computers for a communal computer corner. Linking the computers to Pacifica’s network system can restrict unsafe use, while no one in the program has to miss out.
Donation of refurbished computer, laptop or networking equipment keeps the devices in functional use for several cycles. That way we prevent more materials entering the waste stream, while the local non-profit organizations can put more of the resources toward the programs helping our communities.
If you want to see your used IT equipment getting a second chance to help others see the ERA pickup program here.
To learn about more about Pacifica please visit their website.