The ERA is opening up their Kids Poster Contest early. Submit your entry today! You have until Nov 20th, 2020 to enter for a chance to win a free laptop.
Create a poster that best represents the ever-changing environment by combining the waste hierarchy known to many as “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”. Please relay the poster in some way to ERA’s mission statement.
ERA’s Mission Statement: To reduce electronic waste and the negative impact it has on our environment, and to reuse unwanted computers and related electronic equipment through recovery, refurbishment and computer donation programs
- Poster may be no larger than A4 size ( 8.5 X 11)
- Poster needs to be handmade (Use of paper, paint, pencils, markers, and crayons)
- Posters need to be in Jpeg form
- Orientation should be landscape
CLICK HERE to enter
Share your poster on social media through your school’s accounts and personal accounts using #ERA and #3rdKidsPosterCompetition on your posts.
Mention ERA by tagging us in your post
- LinkedIn: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
- Instagram: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
- Facebook: @ElectronicRecyclingAssociation
- Twitter: @DonateRecycleIT
Click here for more details.