George McDougall High School Receives a Laptop

By electronic recycling association December 13, 2018

George McDougall High School is a proud member of Rocky View Schools. The school is situated in the northeast quadrant Airdrie’s west side, and has a 50 year history within the community. Their mission is help each child to realize their full potential to become responsible, involved, effective and productive citizens.

The Enhanced Mental Health Support room is a program at George McDougall High School that helps students with challenging mental health concerns back into the classroom. One of students has experienced significant life stressors and is no longer living at home, and has been left with no family support. She is currently working the Prospect program to help her live independently and still attend school. One of her major barriers is access to technology outside of the school. This laptop will be an asset to her and her studies.


We wish her all the best of luck! For more information about this school, please click here.