Back in April, in celebration of Earth Month, ERA held their first ever Kid Poster Competition. They asked School Districts in the Alberta area if their Students would like to participate in a competition where they could win a refurbished laptop. This campaign was a tremendous hit and ERA received tonnes of posters from Students aged 6 to 12.
The poster had to best represent ERA’s mission and involved Earth Month in some way. Every poster was unique in its own way Which made it extremely difficult for ERA to pick one winner from each School. Wild Rose School and Keenooshayo Elementary School in Alberta participated in this competition. From these schools we picked 3 first place winners and donated 5 laptops on top of the winning laptops to each class involved. There was a total of 18 laptops donated to Students within Alberta.
ERA will be announcing their next Kid Post Competition very soon that will revolve around Waste Reduction Week in October!