La Transformerie in Montreal Receives 1 Laptop

By electronic recycling association June 15, 2020

The ERA loves to support organizations that contribute to the sustainability of our environment and resources so we were happy to donate a laptop to La Transformerie. When co-founder and managing director, Guillaume Cantin reached out to ERA he said “We are happy to discover your donations program. We are doing recycling but with food 🙂 ”

La Transformerie is a non-profit organization that reduces food waste in Montreal by realizing positives and effectives solutions for the unsold food while raising awareness with the merchants and consumers. Visit their website to learn more.

  • Every Sunday, they collect all unsold products from partner grocery and fruit stores.
  • The collection allows them to rescue unsold items from Friday and Saturday that would otherwise be destined for the trash


  • Following the collection, we unload the unsold goods and measure them. Careful data collection allows quantification of losses by business and by department
  • Generating data allows them to draw a real-time portrait of the waste avoided in the field


  • When sorting, they set aside the fruit to be processed, organize the food to be redistributed and put the too damaged food in the compost.
  • In the end, 8 to 10% of the total collection is actually inedible and ends up in the compost


  • On Sunday afternoon, they reload the truck and will drop off the food at their partner food breakdown organization.
  • By quickly redistributing food, they maintain the quality of fresh food for quality donations.
  • Over 70% of the food collected is redistributed to their partners to support them in their work.


  • In the kitchen, they transform unsold fruit tops into spreads.
  • Canning allows them to capture the best of these perfectly ripe fruits.


  • Outside the frost season, most of their food residues are composted in compost bins on the parents’ La Maisonnette site. The rest of the time, the food is sent to the bins of the compost service provided by the city of Montreal.
  • They follow a zero waste approach at each stage of their operations with the aim of environmental and social responsibility


If you are looking to donate your preloved electronics, you can stop by one of our 7 locations Canada- wide. Donating your items will divert them from the landfill and support grassroots initiatives!