Langley What’s in Store: DQ staff serve up miracles

By Cody Wasser August 12, 2015

T’is the season for ice cream and miracles – sounds like a winning combination to me.

Looking for a way to beat today’s heat, and wanting to do something kind at the same time.

Well Dairy Queen restaurants might be where you need to be today.

Every DQ’s Blizzard treat sold today (Thursday, Aug. 13) helps sick and injured kids at one of 14 children’s hospitals across the country during the annual Miracle Treat Day. Here at home, the money is earmarked specifically for the BC Children’s Hospital.

During the past 13 years, this food-raiser has contributed more than $100 million. Bite the bullet folks, beat the heat with a Blizzard and make life better for our sick kids.

To find out more, you can visit

Chamber takes series of field trips

The Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce isn’t content to restrict its gatherings to indoor venues.

Next week, the monthly Open Late for Business networking event is being held at the farmers market, then later in the month they’re heading for the river.

On Wednesday, Aug. 19, the chamber is holding a business networking at the Langley Community Farmers Market at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University courtyard.

It’s a perfect opportunity to connect Langley’s business community in a casual and fun environment, said chamber president Scott Johnston.

“On top of the great networking, guests can enjoy snacks, beverages, and treats prepared by the farmers market vendors. There will be wine, vodka, and gin sampling,” he elaborated, noting guests will also walk away with recipes for seasonal, local products available at the market to try at home.”

The market visit runs from 4 to 6 p.m., and includes free parking for the event. While attendance is also free, pre-registration is required.

Also on the same day, the chamber is hosting its lunch and learn event. This time out, the event is focusing on small business strategies for USA marketing.

UCanTrade Inc. president Jim Pettinger will help local businesses define the U.S. market and introduce them to the basic essentials of marketing and logistics (packaging, shipping, and warehousing).

This Aug. 19 session is held from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the new chamber office, #207-8047 199th St. The cost for this is $10 for chamber members, $15 for non-members. Reservations required by 5 p.m. Aug. 17.

And coming up later this month, the chamber is inviting members to take a much bigger field trip.

The local chamber, in partnership with chambers in North Vancouver, Surrey, and Tri-City are inviting members to attend a special networking session that will take participants down the Mighty Fraser River to the Port of Metro Vancouver.

The event is being held Thursday, Aug. 27, from 4 to 6 p.m., with a boat picking up participants at the New Westminster Quay (900 Quayside Dr.)

The cost is $15, with pre-registration required ahead by calling the chamber.

As Canada’s largest port, this facility enables the trade of nearly 20 per cent of Canada’s total trade of goods by value.

It’s a trip on a paddlewheeler, to get an up-close view of the port’s major marine terminals operating along the Fraser River, including a multi-purpose facility, Fraser Surrey docks, and Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics automobile terminal.

Narration will be provided by the port’s business sectors and key infrastructure and landmarks along the way, with participants also hearing about the port’s air, land, and water protection initiatives and sustainability efforts.

The trip, chamber organizers warn, is not wheelchair accessible due to restrictions on the vessel.

To reserve a spot at any of these events, call the chamber at 604-371-3770 or email

Old computers may help non-profits

While computers might have outlived their life in your workplace, they may still have some life in them that can make a significant difference to local charities.

Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) issued a recent plea asking people to consider donating unwanted or retiring computer equipment to ERA, so it may be refurbished for donation to numerous Canadian charities in need of computers.

“It has been a unique several months,” said ERA founder Bojan Paduh.

“Requests for computer donations are coming in as usual, but we aren’t receiving the same amount of retiring corporate equipment, so we can’t keep up” he added.

“Some of our charitable partners have been waiting for over six weeks for a donation, but right now we simply don’t have the equipment to help them.”

ERA relies on donated computer equipment, which they clean, test, and refurbish for secondary use.

Much of what ERA is able to reuse is then donated to Canadian charitable organizations and non-profits.

Throughout the summer months, ERA typically sees a slowdown in equipment donations, but Paduh noted that this year is even slower than usual.

They have been around for more than 10 years now, so they have some long-term partners who have come to rely on them for their computer equipment.

“But, we can’t refurbish and donate equipment we aren’t receiving,” said Paduh.

The organization is reaching out to the public for help.

“Most people have old equipment stored somewhere. Even if it isn’t working, our techs can often fix it or use parts to build operational computers,” Paduh said.

“It doesn’t cost anything, it frees up valuable storage space, we always ensure data security as our top priority and many times we can even come pick up equipment for free.”

Corporate pickups can be booked online or by contacting ERA, full information can be found at Equipment may also be dropped off at ERA’s various depots, also listed online.