Last week, we donated 30 monitors to the Montreal SPCA. Founded in Montreal in 1869, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (now better known as the Montreal SPCA) was the first animal welfare organization in Canada. They do not know exactly how she was born, but history attests to the support of animal welfare societies in France, England, and the United States.
In its first year of existence, the SPCA worked primarily to improve the living conditions of draft horses, which were then present throughout the island of Montreal. The SPCA then turned to other issues, such as the humane management of dogs, cockfighting and the killing of wild birds.
Their mission consists of protecting animals from neglect, abuse, and exploitation; representing their interests and ensuring their well-being; and last but not least, raising public awareness and helping develop compassion for all sentient beings.
These monitors will be used to replace the old monitors that were outdated. We wish them all the best of luck for the future. If you would like to leaner more about this amazing organization, please click here.
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