The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) was pleased to donate 2 laptops to a Toronto, Ontario non-profit called Starts with One (SWO). In the effort to improve the quality and access to education for Canadian youth and their families, SWO focuses on two large areas, the provision of various technologies to families, and their E-learning program, which provides tutoring for students outside of school. With this donation, SWO can more effectively provide opportunities for youth to better complete school work and participate in extracurricular activities.
Research has shown that 93% of students in households earning $100,000 or more, participated in extracurricular activities, compared to only a 20% participation rate in extracurriculars from students belonging to households earning 50,000 or less (Mcelarth, 2020). By providing SWO with donations of various technologies, they are able to ensure the continuation of their technology provision initiative, supporting their vision for the future. Since 2021, SWO has donated eight pieces of technology with its limited funding. Through the ERA’s donation, they will be able to accommodate the growth in tech requests.
The ERA (Electronic Recycling Association), is focused on reducing unnecessary waste and/or environmental impact through effective management of retiring electronic and IT equipment. As a non-profit organization with deep community roots, it is our “reuse” focus and donation activities that set us apart from others in this sector. We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Certified Company that offers pickup services, comprehensive data security measures and subsequent reporting. Individuals and organizations alike move through technology hardware for a number of different reasons, and often there is ongoing productive use.
The ERA believes that “reuse” where ever possible is the most ecological approach to this growing stream, and an excellent way to compel real community goodwill at the same time. The Electronic Recycling Association has a clear mission of reducing electronic waste through computer recycling, laptop recycling and computer donation services. With depots throughout Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and all of Canada. ERA provides a great way to recycle electronic equipment safely and securely.