Stikeman Elliott Donates over 150 Devices to ERA

By electronic recycling association September 12, 2019

Stikeman Elliott Donates over 150 Devices to ERA

This donation will help ERA’s mission to reduce the negative impact e-waste has on our environment by refurbishing technology for the greater good.

16 grateful organizations will receive Christmas early this year with the help of ERA’s donor Stikeman Elliott. They are a Canadian business law firm founded in 1952 by H. Heward Stikeman and Fraser Elliott. The firm has offices located in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, New York, London and Sydney. We are thrilled to be affiliated with such a generous company.

Many organizations find it extremely hard to save a portion of their already rigid budget to buy the technical equipment they may need to create more awareness online. In the eyes of other organizations, it is not a necessity and therefore isn’t first on the priority list when deciding on where to spend the money they have been allocated.  Therefore, ERA donating devices to organizations in need is a big weight off their shoulders and they can use their technology funding for other projects they are working on throughout the year.

Stikeman Elliott’s first focus was to help charities in the province of Quebec as that is where the donation was originally picked up. Understanding ERA has a long waiting list they decided to donate to other organizations across Canada.

These 16 organizations share one common reason for their need of technology, they all want to improve their mission and create a safer and healthy environment to live in. If you would like to learn more about these organizations, please click on their names below. For more information on Stikeman Elliott, please visit their website here.

List of Organizations

Communauté Chabad De Dollard
Centre Communautaire Saint-Antoine 50+ Centre
Montreal SPCA
Residence Le Boulevard
Project 10
Afghan Women’s Centre
Brightside Community Homes
Norfolk Housing Association
North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre
e4c Financial Management Hub
Alberta Health Services
Society for Treatment of Autism
Sled Island Arts Fellowship
Rose City Handi-Van Society
Ozanam Recovery House