The Community Ascent Network (CAN) is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate for social welfare. The purpose of CAN is to work alongside small communities in Ecuador, to facilitate development projects and promote sustainability by providing the necessary resources, networking, and funding. Through their projects, they intend to create a network of working partnerships by creating connections between communities, private and public partners and sponsors in Ecuador and Canada. Sustainability is a primary objective of CAN, whereby through their projects the communities with which they work are empowered to continue toward their respective developmental goals in the future. Here at the ERA, we are huge proponents of sustainability through our focus on reuse before recycle and are thrilled to support other organizations that share our values.
CAN’s current project is bringing vocational education to the remote community of Pinan in Ecuador. Pinan is a community that is removed from many regular social benefits, including the last 3 years of mandatory schooling in Ecuador. As the access to education falls behind in rural and poor communities, so too does their economic development, creating greater inequality. As the rest of the country moves forward, poorer communities do not get this chance and this is a powerful factor leading to the death of so many once-vibrant areas.
This project works with this community to bring in teachers and the necessary equipment to offer this level of education to approximately 45 enrolled students, as well as constructing classrooms in the village. The ERA was happy to be able to contribute a projector to the future classroom. CAN will be using it do some presentations and educational film screenings with it in their own community of Castlegar, BC, before bringing it down to the community in Ecuador.
Executive Director, Simon Cretin stated, “I think your association is doing a great service and I am very happy to have found you! From myself and our board of directors, The Community Ascent Network greatly appreciates this donation! It will be a huge help!”
Computers are a much-needed asset to facilitate the education of these deserving students. We are looking to provide CAN with 15 laptops for the students in Ecuador. If you have any that you no longer need, please contact ERA to contribute to this amazing project. To learn more about The Community Ascent Network, visit their website here.