York Pride is a federal not-for-profit, community-based organization hosting creative, social and educational events in York Region, which include one of Canada’s fastest growing regional Pride Festivals, staged each June to celebrate the 2SLGBTQ community.
Their mission is to organize festivals, events, entertainments and other initiatives which, in the context of sexuality and gender identity, across York Region and beyond, illuminate and celebrate human diversity, captivate the general public, inspire inclusivity and foster harmony and acceptance. They believe that their four core values are the key components to inspire and empower people in a diverse suburban environment.
York Pride Festivals Core Values include:
- Dignity
Openness about sexuality, gender expression and gender identity without fear of discrimination or oppression
- Equity
They believe in equal treatment and opportunity for all people in our community
- Engagement
They encourage and promote social opportunities for all ages to participate in their celebration
- Diversity
They celebrate the uniqueness of all voices while bringing people together as one community
ERA was pleased to donate two laptops and a projector to the York Pride Festival. These devices will be used within their office. The laptops will be used by their staff in the office and remotely at events they host. The projector will be used for team meetings and presentations.
If you would like to learn more about this organization and when their events take place, please click on their website here.
ERA is taking the initiative and offering free pickups in local areas for companies and individuals with unwanted laptops and computers. This will give organizations the option to work remotely which will ease their potential anxiety from working at their offices. It will also ensure that children are able to keep on top of their homework.
If you are wanting to help organizations and families receive the gift of technology and give them an option, please contact our toll number 1.877.9EWASTE or go to our website and fill out our form here.